Bad fat, sugar, sodium change the elderly to be older than their age.

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Bad fat, sugar, sodium change the elderly to be older than their age.

Food is the main factor that keeps us alive because the body receives energy and nutrients from the food we eat. For the elderly, which are those aged 60 years and over. Their energy requirements are lower than in adults. Because their muscle mass is reduce and their metabolic rate is lower than before. However, their requirements for other nutrients. Including vitamins and minerals, have not decreased. It is very important to take into account the quality of food, emphasizing eating foods that are low in energy but contain complete nutrients.

Many elderly people are accustome to eating whatever.

They like as they did when they were younger, most of which contain too much bad fat, sugar, and sodium. This causes them to receive more energy than necessary, which can lead to health problems. Let’s get to know bad fat, sugar, and sodium, what types of food they are in, how they can harm your health, and also provide advice on choosing good food to remain a healthy elderly person.

Bad fat

It causes fat to accumulate in the bloodstream, resulting in high blood cholesterol levels, leading to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases if ยูฟ่าเบท consumed in large amounts. It also makes it easy to gain weight, as well as causing bloating. Seniors should avoid foods that are high in saturated fat, such as fat from meat and coconut milk, and should turn to eating foods that contain good fats instead, because good fats will help reduce the levels of bad fats in the body.

Good fats are found in abundance in foods such as sea fish, nuts and grains, avocados, certain vegetable oils such as olive oil, or blended oils that have adjusted to contain a high amount of good fat. The amount of good fat that older people should receive each day is 30 percent of their daily energy intake or about 3 tablespoons of oil. 


Sugar is a high-energy food, no less than fat. When the body receives too much, the body will not be able to burn it all. When it cannot burn all, sugar will turn into fat and accumulate in the body. Importantly, foods with excessive sugar content can lead to diseases such as diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, high cholesterol, and heart disease. 

Elderly people should not consume more than 6 teaspoons of sugar per day. In addition to the amount of sugar added to food, we must also be careful of Bad fat hidden sugar in many foods, including desserts, sweet drinks of various kinds such as ice cream, coffee, bubble milk tea, soft drinks, and sweet fruits such as ripe mango, durian, lychee, longan, etc. The amount consumed should limite to no more than one handful per day. 


Getting too much sodium will speed up kidney deterioration, leading to kidney disease, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, the elderly should choose to eat freshly cook, unprocessed foods such as ham, bacon, canned foods. Sausages, snacks, pickled foods, and sausages because during the food processing process, a large amount of sodium is added.