Prevent dementia with 3 activities you should do every day.

Even though dementia has not yet occurred, we should not neglect prevention. Preventing dementia can be easily done with 3 activities that can be done every day as follows:
1. Exercise regularly.
Aerobic exercise can help prevent dementia, such as running, swimming, brisk walking, cycling or aerobic dancing for 30 minutes at least 2 days a week.
2. Always maintain good health.
– You should choose to eat only nutritious foods such as vegetables, fruits, grains, and fish.
– You should do physical activities such as walking instead of driving, doing housework, and doing your favorite hobbies.
– There should be social activities such as going out to meet friends and talking to neighbors.
– You should have regular health check-ups.
– Do not smoke or drink alcohol.
– You should not do activities that risk head injury.
– You should not allow yourself to gain weight to the point of becoming obese.
3. Exercise your brain often.
By using the following exercise postures:
Thumb-little pose, right hand holds thumb, left hand holds little finger. When you can do this, switch to right hand holding little finger, left hand holding thumb.
L-shaped hand gesture: Make a pleat shape with the right hand and an L-shaped hand with the left hand. When you can do this, switch hands to make an L-shaped hand with the right hand and an L-shaped hand with the left hand.
Nose-ear position: Right hand holds the tip of the nose, left hand holds the right ear. When you can do this, switch to holding the left ear with the right hand and holding the tip of the nose with the left hand.